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Kerry Logistics meets the unique logistics challenge of the world’s fourth most populous country and its large archipelago structure. We own and operate logistics facilities and provide freight forwarding and value-added services. We have international airports and seaports coverage. We are also a global logistics player with in-depth local understanding, offering our clients total logistics solutions along the supply chains.

Key Facts

  • Over ten years of experience
  • 20+ staff
  • Three offices:
    • Jakarta
    • Semarang
    • Surabaya (covering Bali area)
  • Interisland shipments:
    • Sumatera
    • Kalimantan
    • Sulawesi
    • Bali

Services and Products

Integrated Logistics

  • Warehousing & distribution

International Freight Forwarding

  • Air freight
  • Ocean freight
  • Customs brokerage

Industry Solutions

  • Industrial & Material Science
  • Fashion & Lifestyle
  • Automotive

Kerry Logistics Indonesia sangat cocok untuk tantangan kebutuhan logistik yang unik dan berada di negara terpadat penduduk keempat di dunia dan struktur kepulauan yang besar. Kami memiliki dan mengoperasikan fasilitas logistik dan menyediakan freight forwarding dan layanan nilai tambah. Kami beroperasi bandara dan pelabuhan internasional dengan segala cakupannya. Kami juga merupakan pemain logistik global dengan pemahaman lokal yang mendalam, menawarkan klien kami solusi total logistik sepanjang rantai pasokan.

Key Facts

  • Berpengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun
  • Memiliki lebih dari 20 staff
  • Memeiliki tiga Kantor Cabang :
    • Jakarta
    • Semarang
    • Surabaya (covering Bali area)
  • Kiriman antar pulau:
    • Sumatera
    • Kalimantan
    • Sulawesi
    • Bali

Services and Products

Integrasi Logistik

  • Jasa Pergudangan dan distribusi

International Freight Forwarding

  • Jasa pengiriman Udara
  • Jasa pengiriman Laut
  • Jasa Kepabeanan

Solusi Industri :

  • Industri & Material Science / bahan baku
  • Busana & Gaya Hidup
  • Otomotif

Head Office
Karawaci Office Park
Blok Excelis No 27A Lippo Karawaci
Tangerang 15811 Banten

phone+62 21 300 550 55
fax+62 21 300 550 56

Ruko Permata Bintoro 85 - 87
JL. Taman Ketampon
Surabaya 60264
East Java

phone+62 31 566 1144
fax+62 31 566 9933

Komp. Metro Plaza blok C7
Jl. MT Haryono 970
Semarang 50242
Central Java

phone+62 24 8447 555
fax+62 24 8447 666

Head Office
Karawaci Office Park
Blok Excelis No 27A Lippo Karawaci
Tangerang 15811 Banten

phone+62 21 300 550 55
fax+62 21 300 550 56

Ruko Permata Bintoro 85 - 87
JL. Taman Ketampon
Surabaya 60264
East Java

phone+62 31 566 1144
fax+62 31 566 9933

Komp. Metro Plaza blok C7
Jl. MT Haryono 970
Semarang 50242
Central Java

phone+62 24 8447 555
fax+62 24 8447 666
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